“This is proper fairy-tale country.. the weather is brutal, the living equally so. Yet amid the canine-toothed mountaintops and silvered seas hides Holmen - a hotel, yes, but also a giant pear drop clinging to the craggy coastline, a nugget of decadence against the howl of the wild”
Suitcase Magazine
"In short, it’s a feast but the food and drinks are only part of it. All the senses are engaged"
Condé Nast Traveller
"An epic location.. a kind of eco-hotel hung on the edge of a fjord in Northern Norway looking out at a great mountain"
Financial Times
"Wild and wonderful.. something between a restaurant with rooms, a luxury safari camp and a boutique hotel"
The Telegraph
"Craggy peaks, crystal clear rivers, endless skies. A foodie experience which promises to take travellers ‘back to nature’ in this remote and enchanting destination"
"It’s so exciting to be inside the arctic circle just when the short summer comes to a crescendo of bounty.. and a buzz to get outside with the guests for some amazing walking, fishing and foraging. Holmen Lofoten is a very special place"
Hugh Fearnely-Whittingstall
"You have created something unique in the world, a place which gently changes your perceptions of Place, shows you new ways of thinking, and communicating, and does it in such a gentle, caring, fun way that you don’t quite realise what has happened to you - until you leave. You magicians!"
Dave Broom
"A wonderful experience, the land and seascapes of Lofoten are truly humbling and having the opportunity to share my craft in that environment is utterly unique. There is a special kind of energy that comes from working on the forge there, with the sea lapping underneath our feet and the wind blowing off the ocean."
Alex Pole
"The location is magical - truly something out of Game of Thrones; the fellow guests, cooks, mixologists and craftsmen a diverse, eclectic and interesting crowd - the greatest of company to share food and drink into the early hours; and finally the food was simply scrumptious - so innovative and wholly at one with, and respectful of the local nature, air, land and sea from which it was sourced."
Sean (guest)
"Kitchen On The Edge is a house party like no other. The heart and soul of the hospitality provided by Ingunn and Valentine who welcome you with a Nordic hug and breathtaking landscape that sets you up for the fun that follows. Huge thanks to everyone for the most wonderful adventure, I can’t wait to come back for cod season!"
Catherine (guest)
"It’s two months since Kitchen On The Edge and I have thought about the trip every day. An extraordinary and wonderful experience in every way. Valentine and Ingunn are the warmest of hosts and the whole Holmen team could not be more welcoming."
Jacqui (guest)